Use of molecular biological methods for the purification of olive oil effluents
Time: Friday, 9:45 – 10:30 – ONLINE ONLY
Speaker: Leopold Bott, University Kassel
Age of participants: High school
Short description: The slides in the lecture are mostly in English. The lecture itself is held in German. During the production of food, wastewater is produced, which can be very dangerous for the environment. As part of my master’s thesis, I worked on a microorganism that can degrade the toxic components of wastewater. The degradation products can then in turn be used as a starting material for the production of food additives (carotenoids). In addition to establishing molecular biological methods, this also involves a separation process for carotenoids.
Required prior knowledge: You know something about the terms DNA/RNA/Protein? You can classify what a polar and non-polar solvent is? Then you are in the right place.