Time: Friday, 12:15 – 13:00 – ONLINE ONLY – ENGLISH VERSION
Speaker: Maria Cristina Trevissoi et al – Liceo Scientifico A. Roiti, Ferrara, Italy
Age of participants: High school
Short description: HOPE is a program run by high school and university students who carry out STEM projects they propose themselves. The teachers support them and the organizational aspects trying to give free rein to the students‘ creativity and autonomy. The work of the teams – made up of students of various ages and heterogeneous by gender and skills – allows you to learn not only the contents but also the soft skills necessary for current generations
Speaker: Jakub Nagy – picoballoon, Bratislava, Slovakia
Age of participants: High school
Short description:
Today, there are various options for embedded software development. The Arduino framework allows even begginers to start developing software for their devices. What if there are bigger requirements for the project? The answer is PlatformIO. In this workshop, we will go over the basics, how to migrate from Arduino IDE and best practices.
Required previous knowledge: Ideally have basic knowledge of programming and the C++ language, useful but not required experience with Arduino. Have VSC installed on your desktop if you want to follow along.
Time: Wednesday, 11:00 – 11:45 – ONLINE ONLY – ENGLISH VERSION
Speaker: Maria Cristina Trevissoi et al – Liceo Scientifico A. Roiti, Ferrara, Italy
Age of participants: High school
Short description: The talk will present the Physics PBL experience within a 12th grade of high school. The teacher will describe the aims and the method. The voice of the students, talking about their experience, will complete the understanding of the results achieved.
Speaker: Alícia López and students – ICCIC Barcelona
Age of participants: intermediate level
Short description: A group of students from the Baccalaureate research project present their work. There are group jobs and individual jobs. .- 3S Technology: Miriam and Aina wanted to provide solutions to blind people who, in this pandemic, had more difficult mobility. They have engineered and designed a device that guarantees the safety distance. .-Snicht goes to antartica: This work is especially interesting. It takes up the investigations of a previous work and extends it and uses it for the conservation of ecosystems that are difficult to access for humans. The first project was intended to design a robot governed from a map that it does itself with SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). On the other hand, the map will also be used for locating people that are going to recognize it with a machine learning algorithm (specifically a quantized version of the MobileNetSSD model running on TensorFlow Lite with some modifications to better suit our goals). For accomplishing all these objectives, they are using different technological devices connected amongst them with ROS. .- Shaking hands over seas: Here the boys have designed a robotic arm capable of replicating their movements from a distance. Their goal is to reach out to the other side of the ocean. .-IA Ingenuity: This project is linked to the Snicht goes to antartica. Like the Ingenuity on Mars, this device intends to take geolocated aerial images of an area to be able to give air support to the Snicht. .-Bioengineering: In this work, Helana has worked with different hospitals in Barcelona, including the Hospital Clínic and the Hospital d’Vall d’Heron in order to answer this question: Is the genomic treatment of cancer the future to fight against the disease?
Referent:innen: Schüler:innen Schule Nr 17, Nowy Urengoi, Russland
Alter der TeilnehmerInnen: Ab Klasse 7
Kurzbeschreibung: Schüler:innen Schule Nr 17, Nowy Urengoi, Russland, stellen Ihre Projekte vor:
Diana Jarmonowa: „Modell eines Lego-Mindstorms-EV3-basierten Pizzabackroboters“
Iwan Raschew, Zhanna Stangrat: „Umwelt-probleme der Jamal-Halbinsel und die möglichen Lösungs-ansätze“.
Nikolai Bekker: „Computeruhren innerhalb der Referenzzeit“
Es besteht die Möglichkeit mit den russischen Schüler:innen gemeinsame Projekte durchzuführen. Gegenseitige Besuche nicht ausgeschlossen! Die Organisation und Kosten der deutsch-russischen Treffen werden vom SFN übernommen!